Interlibrary Loan

An interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service whereby a user of one library can borrow books, videos, DVDs, sound recordings, microfilms, or receive photocopies of articles in magazines that are owned by another library. By taking advantage of this program, we can find almost any book you are looking for, even thousands of miles away, and have it shipped to our library where you can check it out.

A fee of $3.00 for each item is required before it can be requested. This fee will be refunded to you, if we cannot get the requested item.

Attached is the link to the ILL form to fill out. A signature is also required before the item can be requested. You may print this form, fill it out, and take it to your local library and have them request the item. All the information on the form is not a necessity so if you do not know everything let the librarian know when the form is dropped off. Please call your local ILL librarians for more information. Click here for the ILL form

Branch ILL Librarians

Murphy: Melissa Barker

Andrews: Kelly Bryant

Moss: Judy Smith

Graham: Dawn Holder