Welcome to the Nantahala Regional Library site!

Remember Time





"I cannot remember a time when I was not in love with them - with the books themselves, cover and binding and the paper they were printed on, with their smell and their weight and with their possession in my arms, captured and carried off to myself."

- Eudora Welty

Library Cardholder







If you are a library cardholder and you'd like to access your account to place holds on items or renew items, you'll be asked for "Patron / Alternate ID Number." What's that? It's your library card number, which can be found on the front of your library card. You'll also be asked for a PIN, which is the last four digits of your phone number. If you have questions, contact your local library.

Inclement Weather Policy




It is that time of the year when the possibility of snowy or icy weather may cause our libraries to be delayed in their opening or closed for the day. Two of the libraries in our region follow the same closing or delay schedule as the school system in its respective county. This means that if the Clay County Schools or the Cherokee County Schools are delayed in opening or closed for the day, the Moss Memorial Library and the Andrews Public Library are delayed in opening or closed for the day. To see the list of school delays or closings in our area, then click here. You may also access this site by typing in http://www.1320am.com/closings--road-reports.html.

The Murphy Public Library and the Graham County Public Library follow a different delay and closing schedule. It is a good idea to call before you come to either one of these libraries if there is bad weather. If no one answers your call, then more than likely the library is closed. If the library has to close because of bad weather, then materials that are due back on this day will not be overdue.

NRL Summer 2019



NRL Summer 2019!

  • Come join us for our stellar Summer program "A Universe of Stories" at your local library branch. At each location, we will have the following events/activities:
    • Storytime for Ages 0-6
    • Event for Ages 7-12 (Immediately Following Storytime)
    • Professor Whizzpop's Blast Off to Books (All Ages)
    • Winnie the Pooh Party (All Ages)
    • Reading Challenge (Ages vary by branch)
    • Coloring Contest (All Ages)

    Please click here for more details.



The link to NCKids is still available on our Website and on the "Kids-Tweens" and "Reference and Databases" pages. To find these pages, look at the tabs at the top of the home screen.

To access NCKids, click here. Or you may type in the address to this website by using your computer's search function. The address is: https://nckids.overdrive.com. You need a username and password to sign in to this site. Your username is your library card number and your password is the last four digits of the phone number you gave to your home library when you signed up for a library card. Remember anyone can access this site!

There are almost 22,000 titles available to check out on the NCKids site. Many of these titles are simultaneous use, which means that if someone already has checked out a title you want, you can still check it out anyway. There are no wait lists for simultaneous use titles! Also, all titles can be accessed via the OverDrive app on all major computer brands and devices, including IOS, Android, Chromebook and Kindles. These titles include books, audiobooks and streaming videos.

The content on the NCKids site aligns with summer reading camps across the state as well as North Carolina's 3rd grade reading initiative. All 100 North Carolina counties have access to NCKids. The funding for it was made possible by the North Carolina legislature and from federal grant money. NCKids is sponsored by the North Carolina Public Library Directors Association and the North Carolina General Assembly with assistance from the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.

All you have to have to access the NCKids site is a library card. If you are having trouble accessing this site or if you are unsure whether or not you can access this site, please contact your local library. Also, for more information about NCKids, contact your local library.





If you or someone you know, for any reason is unable to get to your library and you would like bookmobile service, please call the Nantahala Regional Library at 837-2025.