Safe Child Policy

The Safe Child Policy details the partnership that exists between the Nantahala Regional Library (NRL) staff and the parents and children who are our patrons. This policy also states the expectations that the NRL staff has for the parents and children who use our library services and attend our library programs. The first part of the Safe Child Policy expresses this partnership. It is entitled "Parent-Library Partnership: Enriching Your Child's Library Experience." This letter is to be taken home by parents and/or children.

The second part of this policy details the expectations of the NRL staff. It is entitled "Our Expectations for the Parent-Library Partnership."

All parents and children who sign up for a library card must sign the Safe Child Policy in order to acknowledge their awareness and understanding of this Policy. The original copy of this document will be kept at the library. A copy will be given to the parents and/or children.

Our Expectations for the Parent-Library Partnership

Parent-Library Partnership
Enriching Your Child's Library Experience

Dear Parent,

You have applied for library privileges for your child because you are interested in providing him or her with the opportunities and resources available through the Nantahala Regional Library. We want to be partners with you and provide an enjoyable experience that will help your child develop knowledge, reading ability and creativity.

Our role in this partnership is to select and provide diverse, quality materials in a variety of formats and to plan and implement programs and activities for children of all ages and abilities. We seek to offer materials and programs that will challenge, interest, engage, entertain and inform children and young adults. We will be glad to make reading recommendations for your child based on your personal criteria and requests. Please remember, however, that we are a public library. We collect materials suitable and of interest to all members of our community, regardless of age, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or economic status.

Your role in this partnership is to see that materials borrowed by your child and programs attended by your child are appropriate for that individual child. Our Library feels that it is also your responsibility to make your child aware of the obligation to return materials in a timely manner and in good condition, as well as to ensure that your child behaves appropriately in the library.

You have high performance expectations for the library staff and we try to meet and exceed those standards. In order for us to do our jobs, we have expectations of you as well.

Please read through the following expectations carefully. Please let us know if we can help you or your child in any way.

Sarah Arnaudin
Youth Services Librarian

Our Expectations for the Parent-Library Partnership

  • We expect parents, guardians or caregivers who are accompanying children to be responsible for their children's behavior in the library and on library grounds.
  • We expect parents to understand and explain the library rules to their children in order to ensure fairness for all library users.
  • We expect parents to let us know if they or their children are unable to find the type of material they seek. We welcome suggestions for materials that will broaden our collection and improve our service; however, all requests may not be granted
  • We expect parents to be responsible for the types of materials their children select and check out. The library staff does not limit choices or censor materials.
  • We expect parents to see that overdue fines are promptly paid. Parents are financially responsible for any damages to library materials, equipment or property used by their children.
  • We expect parents to help their children arrive on time for programs.
  • We expect parents who attend children's programming with their children to demonstrate good listening habits.
  • We expect all children under the age of 7 to be accompanied by an adult (parent, guardian or caregiver) at all times while visiting the library. The library in no way assumes responsibility for any child left unattended in the building.
  • We expect children ages 7-12 to independently use the library's services, as long as a parent, caregiver or legal guardian remains somewhere in the library building.
  • We expect children and adults to use appropriate language while in the library.
  • We expect parents to set reasonable time limits for their children's library visits. Under no circumstances are children under the age of 12 to be dropped off to stay at the library while a parent or guardian goes elsewhere.
  • We expect parents to have a responsible plan for picking up their children at closing time. Library staff members never give rides to these children or leave them alone in the building or on the library grounds.
  • We expect parents to keep sick children at home and not bring them to the library especially during children's programming when illness may easily be spread to other children.

I have read and I understand the Parent-Library Partnership expectations.



Child(ren)'s Name(s):__________________________________

This policy was approved by the Nantahala Regional Library Board of Trustees on November 19, 2009